"We are not healers, we are not reconcilers; we are sinful, broken and vulnerable people who need as much care as anyone we care for. The mystery of ministry is that we have been chosen to make our limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God" -Henry Nouwen

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Loveble Losha

The past couple of days have been a lot of fun for all of us. Monday I was off work and was able to spend the day with him. While I was getting ready, I heard the wii "Just Dance" songs on, so I knew he was secretly practicing his moves. I tired to open our bedroom door really quietly and spy on him, but he heard me and instantly stopped and ran over to the couch like he wasn't doing anything at all. I guess just laying on the couch makes you all red-faced and sweaty...... I tried to get him to dance for me, but that just embarrassed him more. We had a couple of errands to run, but then we went to Wal-mart so he could spend his gift cards and money. He ended up buying some play skateboards, a play BMX bike and carrying cases for both. And there went his money......but he thought he was big stuff paying for it himself. We ate at McDonalds in Wal-mart while we were there and we giggled over him being silly. When we were leaving Wal-mart I asked him if he was ready to go home (assuming he was since we had been out several hours) but he said something like cheese, and when I asked him to repeat it.......yep,  Chuck-E-Cheese it was! So we went, thanks to my parents for their gift card and he played and played. He would give me some tokens so I could play some games too. And heaven forbid, if one of the games didn't give him any tokens, he instantly called it a "cheater" - another little endearing thing he picked up from John. We were there for 2.5 hours and by the time we left I was tired and had a headache. He picked out some prizes and he gave me his stickers that he had gotten. Very cute. I made him sanitize his hands when we got in the car, and of course, he squirted out a huge blob, followed by "Oh No!". I told him it wouldn't kill him....and that he would be fine.

Tuesday he spent the day over at John's parents. He played wii most of the day, but they were able to peel him away from it for lunch at shells BBQ again, and playing with the slingshot outside, and playing with the dog. He also bonded with John cousin, who is 16....and knows a few Russian words. They were play fighting by the time we went to pick him up. We had Christmas with John's parents while we were there--and homeboy racked up again. He got a model car, some puzzles, clothes, a kazoo, and other fun things. John's mom and dad did a little project with him last week, where they had printed out a bunch of pictures of all of us. He chose which pictures he wanted to use, cut the pictures out and made a scrapbook page, complete with stickers, and they framed it for him. This was his gift to John and I. He was very proud of it. We were very proud too. On our way home, he said "I eat two hot dog" and that was pretty much his first full English sentence. We went over some English vocabulary and then went over our names. He called John "Mee-ster John Herltwon" or something like that. I was  "Meee-sis Karrr Herltwon" or something along those lines. He told us his full name was "Alexey Losha Tsiganov" so apparently Losha is his middle name and thats what he goes by. And apparently "Alexey" is translated to "Sasha" in English. We asked him what Losha was translated to and he said he didn't know.

I made him a bubble bath last night, thinking it would speed up the bathing process since he takes forever. I was wrong. He soaked for about 10 minutes, then drained the tub and started the forever long bathing process. Thankfully we had already said our prayers with him, hugged him and said our "I love yous" before all of this, and we went on to bed. Then the little sneak went to his room and started putting together his model car. When John caught him he said "I no sleep" and then John turned out the lights. Nothing like a little subtlety to get the point across.......This morning, like every morning, it was like pulling teeth to get him to wake up. But I got my morning hug before rushing out the door to work. When I left, him and John were having a little spat over him not brushing his hair or at least trying to do something with the major cow-lick he had going on.... that is our #1 battle with him. Apparently he thinks cow-licks are cool and the bigger, the better. He just refuses to brush them down! I don't get it. Usually we just let it fly, except for church. So if you run into us- just overlook his hair- and at least now you know the reason behind the mess!

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