"We are not healers, we are not reconcilers; we are sinful, broken and vulnerable people who need as much care as anyone we care for. The mystery of ministry is that we have been chosen to make our limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God" -Henry Nouwen

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


He enjoyed his afternoon with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. He played with a remote control car and a sling-shot. He apparently is a sling-shot king! My sister got some pretty cute shots of him that I'll post in a bit.

You mammas out there will be proud of me because..dun,dun,dun......I fed him vegetables tonight for dinner! Yay! Hoorah! If only Losha was this excited about them, we would be in good shape. He actually didn't even touch his peas, but to be honest, I can't blame him. I HATE them, but had to put on a front like they were delicious. I was thinking about chocolate the whole time......He did eat some corn and of course he demolished his chicken tenders. Then we had him help with the dishes and I told him if he ate his veggies from now on, he didn't have to wash dishes. He just laughed. That wasn't the reaction I was going for......

Last night was a loud one! Losha, John and I played the Wii again and this time played the resort sports games. We started out with wakeboarding, then moved on to archery. His favorite was when we missed the target. The wii annoyingly (is that a word?) puts a huge MISS on the screen, as if you didn't know you missed it. He would yell Meeeesss! And he would either point his finger, do a twirl, a happy dance,or jump up and down. We played, and played, and played until we had to cut him off at 10pm. He was a Dr. Pepper filled maniac!!!! Oh the squealing! Oh the yelling! And I'm pretty sure I heard some things that were probably some naughty Russian words :) He had the time of his life! Then him and John got into a hide-and-seek-and-scream/yell-scarily game. John got him so good at one point that he jumped a mile high and jumped right into the wall. Oh it was hilarious......then he "tooted" and said "Oh No!" He disappered into the bathroom for what seemed like an hour. I heard the pages of a magazine being ruffled, so we didn't stick around...we headed to bed. We laughed that John had literally scared the poo out of him. We did get up to pray with him- even though he is sneaky and has tried to get out of that the past few nights.

He is such a fun, sweet kid! I just heart him so!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I just love hearing about your adventures! :-P I check your blog daily and Justin and I pray for you each and every day :)

    I was cracking up at the "toot" situation... :-P Maybe he learned that from John? Haha ;-)
